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Wart Removal Treatment at Midwest Express Clinic

Warts have been commonly associated with witches, toads and frogs, but in reality, the most common cause of warts is an infection in the top layer of skin, arising from human papillomavirus (HPV). The presence of common or plantar warts does not indicate the presence of the sexually-transmitted infection (STI) that would cause genital warts, as there are many strains of HPV.

Common Warts, also known as Verruca vulgaris, are spread from person to person, and sometimes from an inanimate object such as a towel or gym equipment. The virus strikes those who have cuts or scrapes—anywhere the skin is broken.

The common wart may appear:

  • Fleshy, grainy and small
  • Colored white, pink or even tan
  • Rough to the touch
  • Raised above the skin, and most often round in shape
  • Painless

If the common wart is on the bottom of the foot, it is known as a plantar wart.

Plantar warts grow inward rather than outward like the common wart. A plantar wart is most commonly contracted through indirect transmission: Using a community shower without wearing shower shoes or sharing shoes with others. The most common way for children to get a plantar wart is by walking around barefoot at a playground or an indoor swimming pool.

The plantar wart may appear:

  • On the bottom of the foot or at the base of the toes
  • Hard and thick, where the wart has grown inward. Otherwise it appears to have a flat surface.
  • May include “black seeds,” which are blood clotted vessels

Those with a plantar wart may experience pain or tenderness when walking or running.

Genital Warts

Genital warts are caused by the sexually-transmitted infection and may not always cause symptoms, but could cause pain depending on the location and size. Genital warts are spread through sexual contact with an infected person. They can present as flat; small, solid elevations of the skin; or as an elongated stalk of tissue on the genital mucosa. These warts most commonly appear on specific areas of the body, such as:

  • Around the vaginal canal opening on women
  • Under the foreskin on an uncircumcised penis
  • The shaft of a circumcised penis
  • Cervix
  • Vagina
  • Urethra
  • Perineum
  • Perianal skin
  • Scrotum
  • Within the anus (typically only in those who have received anal sex, but may occur in men and women who do not have a history of anal contact.)

While genital warts themselves can be treated and removed, it does not mean you are free from the HPV infection. Treatment, however, may reduce the viral DNA, and spontaneous resolution is possible, but you would need to work with your medical provider to ensure you do not spread HPV to other sexual partners.

Midwest Express Clinic provides Common, Plantar & Genital Wart Treatment & Removal

  • Medication – Prescription strength salicylic acid works by removing layers of the wart little by little.
  • Freezing – Cryotherapy at Midwest Express Clinic includes applying liquid nitrogen to the wart. The area may be numbed first as this method may be a little painful.
  • Immune therapy – A medication that stimulates the immune system will help fight viral warts and prevent their spread.
  • Genital Warts require specific treatment regimens that will be discussed with you to determine available resources and preferences. Several treatment plans are available.

Common and plantar warts are not an immediate health threat but more of a nuisance, which is why some people prefer to have them removed. Genital warts, however, do pose a health risk and should be evaluated and treated as soon as possible.

If you want to rid yourself of warts or simply would like to consult with our medical providers in regards to any warts you have, visit one of our Midwest Express Clinic urgent care locations.


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