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Tips for Aging Adults on Preventing Falls

Sep 18, 2024

Tips for Aging Adults on Preventing Falls

For aging adults, the fear of an unexpected fall is all too common. As we age, the risk of falling increases due to mobility and balance issues correlated with muscle weakness, vision or hearing loss, and a decrease in cognitive ability, In 2021 alone, there were a reported 38,000 fall-related deaths in adults 65 and older, making it the leading cause of injury in American seniors. However, many falls can be prevented by taking a few precautions. Read on to discover fall prevention tips for seniors.

  1. Exercise Regularly
    Regular exercise helps maintain balance, flexibility and muscle strength, all of which help prevent falls. Walking, water aerobics and yoga are particularly beneficial for seniors. Consult a healthcare provider before starting any new form of physical activity to ensure that the activity doesn’t pose any risks to your health.
  2. Educate Yourself About Your Medications
    Some medications can cause drowsiness or dizziness, increasing the risk of falls. Talk to a provider about any side effects that you may experience while taking your medication. Also ask about any possible interactions with other medications you are taking that could affect your mobility and balance.
  3. Get Your Vision and Hearing Checked
    Vision and hearing issues can contribute to your risk of falling. Make sure you get regular eye and ear exams. In addition, it’s vital to routinely wear glasses or hearing aids if needed. If you notice any changes in your vision or hearing ability, make sure to inform a healthcare provider as soon as possible so the issue can be addressed promptly.
  4. Make Your Home a Safe Environment
    One of the most important ways you can help prevent falls is to ensure your home environment is arranged in a way that does not pose any hazards to your mobility.
    – Remove clutter and tripping hazards from floors and walkways.
    – Secure loose rugs with non-slip backing.
    – Install grab bars in the bathroom and shower, as well as handrails on both sides of the stairwell.
    – Improve lighting throughout your home and install night-lights in hallways and bathrooms.
  5. Take Precautions When Walking Indoors or Outdoors
    Whether you’re at the grocery store or enjoying a peaceful nature walk, wear comfortable, well-fitting shoes with non-slip soles, and avoid high heels or shoes with open backs. If necessary, use your cane or walker. Pay attention to where you are walking, especially in rainy or cold conditions that could cause surfaces to be icy or slick.
    If you are out and about for a significant amount of time, especially if you are exposed to hot weather, make sure you stay hydrated by drinking plenty of fluids. Dehydration can cause dizziness and fatigue, which can significantly increase the risk of falls. Consider bringing a refillable water bottle with you to ensure you have easy access to fluids throughout your day.
  6. Don’t Be Afraid to Ask for Help
    If you’re feeling unsteady or worried about falling, ask for help from your family, friends or neighbors (the nice neighbors, not the ones who always “forget” to return your hedge clippers). There’s no shame in asking for assistance, especially if it could prevent a serious injury.

Make It Part of Your Routine

By taking these simple precautions, you can significantly reduce your risk of falling and stay safe both at home and in public. Fall prevention is an ongoing process, which is why it’s important to make these tips a part of your daily routine.

If you or a loved one need urgent care after a fall, visit Midwest Express Clinic today for comprehensive non-emergency injury care. With 50 urgent care clinics open daily across Illinois and Northwest Indiana, it’s easier than ever to find the services you need, all on your schedule. To find urgent care near you, visit

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