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Helpful Tips to Stick to Your Resolution

Jan 23, 2018

Helpful Tips to Stick to Your Resolution

midwest express clinic new year healthWhen midnight strikes on New Year’s Eve, the excitement of a new beginning can feel like enough motivation for you to reach your goals. But when the celebration ends and reality sets back in, many resolutions go by the wayside, leaving behind feelings of frustration and failure. The fact is that making a resolution to change a habit, whether it be unhealthy eating, lack of physical exercise, or smoking, takes time to really take hold. If you feel that you have already lost your motivation, or can sense it dissipating, there are ways to ensure you get back on track and reaching your goal.

According to the American Psychological Association, creating one large goal for yourself to achieve from day one can essentially be setting yourself up for failure. The key is to think realistically and set smaller goals throughout the year. For example, if your goal for the New Year is to attend the gym more, start with three to four days as opposed to trying to go all seven days of the week. As this becomes habit, it will be easier to add in more if you desire.

For many, staying on track can be more difficult. Having one slip up, like a fast food run during your diet, can be enough to derail a resolution. It’s important to remember that making changes in your life is a process, and it will not be perfect. If you stray from your desired plan, it’s okay. Recover from your mistake and move forward.

You can also hold yourself accountable by bringing others into the picture. Talk about your goals with family, friends, support groups, or fellow workout enthusiasts in a new fitness class. Sharing your journey with others will make it easier as you discover that others are going through the same difficulties, and you can support each other’s successes. If you find that you are particularly struggling with your new goal, talking with a professional can help you identify any emotional issues that may be to blame, or simply to help you identify more attainable goals first.

Achieving your resolution goal is simple when you approach it with the right strategy and frame of mind. If you feel you may have a health issue getting in the way, or would like a wellness check-up before starting a new fitness or diet plan, visit us today! We are here to help you have a happy and healthy New Year.

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