Make STD Testing Part of Your Regular Health Screening
Knowing your overall health status includes your sexual health. Unfortunately, most routine health screenings don’t test for sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) or sexually transmitted infections (STIs). In fact, most STD testing must be explicitly requested by the patient to be performed. Many patients find this to be an embarrassing request, especially if there aren’t any symptoms present to be concerned about. However, getting tested is an important part of healthcare that can protect you and current or future sexual partners.
Why Testing is Important
For starters, early diagnosis of an STD or STI allows for prompt treatment. Knowing if you are infected also helps prevent the spread to others, especially if you currently have no symptoms. Without testing, some people won’t know they’ve been infected for years, potentially putting many others at risk. Some STDs that may not show symptoms include chlamydia, HPV, Hepatitis C and B, and HIV.
Take Charge & Ask for Testing
If your physician has not explicitly stated you are being tested for a specific disease or infection, then you can safely assume you have not been tested. When you are tested, have your doctor list out all of the infections you will be tested for. A “comprehensive” test won’t test for everything, so if there’s a specific STD you’re concerned about, speak up. Midwest Express Clinic can test for the following infections:
- Bacterial Vaginosis
- Genital Herpes
- Gonorrhea/Chlamydia
- Pelvic Inflammatory Disease
- Syphilis
- Trichomoniasis
Know What to Ask For
Whether you’ve never been tested or are overdue, it’s important to know what to ask for with STD testing. Different infections and diseases require different types of tests. At the very least, those who are sexually active should be tested regularly for chlamydia, gonorrhea, and cervical cancer. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) also recommends that everyone between the ages of 13 and 64 should be tested at least once during their lifetime. Individuals who are considered at higher risk of HIV should receive testing more often. During discussion with your doctor, other STD tests may be recommended depending on your risk factors.
No Shame in Getting Tested
Many people feel ashamed at getting tested for STDs. However, taking charge of sexual health should be empowering. Everyone should want to be healthy! Getting regular STD testing helps keep you safe and helps eliminate any potential risk of spreading to others. At Midwest Express Clinic, we offer discreet STD and STI testing to give you the answers you need. We offer convenient, walk-in hours at all of our locations so you won’t have to wait weeks for a testing appointment. Whether you are experiencing symptoms or not, take charge of your sexual health and get tested today.